Varieties of the color yellow may differ in hue, chroma (also called saturation, intensity, or colorfulness) or lightness (or value, tone, or brightness), or in two or three of these qualities. Variations in value are also called tints and shades, a tint being a yellow or other hue mixed with white, a shade being mixed with black.
#FFBF00 = Amber
#FBCEB1 = Apricot
#E9D66B = Arylide yellow
#FDEE00 = Aureolin
#F5F5DC = Beige
#F0DC82 = Buff
#DFFF00 = Chartreuse (traditional)
#E4D00A = Citrine
#FFFDD0 = Cream
#FFD300 = Cyber yellow
#B8860B = Dark goldenrod
#C2B280 = Ecru
#FFFF33 = Electric yellow
#FFD700 = Gold
#D4AF37 = Gold (metallic)
#DAA520 = Goldenrod
#F8DE7E = Jasmine
#FACA16 = Jonquil
#C3B091 = Khaki
#FFFACD = Lemon chiffon
#C19A6B = Lion
#FBEC5D = Maize
#FFC40C = Mikado yellow
#FFDB58 = Mustard
#FADA5E = Naples yellow
#FFDEAD = Navajo white
#CFB53B = Old gold
#808000 = Olive
#FFEFD5 = Papaya whip
#F4C431 = Saffron
#FFD800 = School bus yellow
#FFBA00 = Selective yellow
#FADA5E = Stil de grain yellow
#E4D96F = Straw
#FFCC33 = Sunglow
#F3E5AB = Vanilla
#FFFF00 = Yellow

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